Occupational careers of migrants
[Full title: Careers and socio-occupational mobility of post-accession migrants]
Aims of the project
- Quantitative analysis of the detailed sequences of occupational careers of migrant and sedentary local populations
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of an impact of migration on occupational lives in local labour markets in homeland
- Analysis of meanings of migration to occupational lives of people (biographical narrative interviews).
- Reconstruction of the detailed sequences of migrant and sedentary persons’ occupational paths (both employment and other statuses in the labour market) as captured in 1996-2008 various ethno-surveys conducted by Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw- coding up missed data from paper questionnaires (both for migrants and non-migrants) and recoding available variables in order to reconstruct full detailed sequences of occupational careers
- Conducting structured individual interviews with return migrants in Nysa (Opolskie Region) and Warsaw during fieldwork with students of University of Social Sciences and Humanities in 2010
- Conducting biographical narrative in-depth interviews with return migrants in all Poland.
Project team
Izabela Grabowska- leader
Ewa Jazwinska- methodologist and senior researcher
Iwona Trepczynska- junior researcher
Magdalena Tomasik- junior researcher
Publications connected to the project
Grabowska I. (2016). Movers and Stayers: Social Mobility, Migration and Skills, Frankfurt Am Main: Lang.
Grabowska I., Jazwińska E. (2016). Mobilność społeczna i migracje, [In:] Górny A., Kaczmarczyk P., Lesińska M. (eds.). Transformacje. Przewodnik po zmianach społeczno-ekonomicznych w Polsce. Warsaw: Scholar, 151-159.
Fihel A., Grabowska-Lusinska I. (2014). Labour Market Behaviours of Back-and-Forth Migrants From Poland.International Migration, 52(1), 22–35.
Grabowska-Lusińska I. Jaźwińska E., (2014). Transfer jawnych i ukrytych komponentów kapitału ludzkiego poprzez migracje, w: Lesińska M., Slany K., Solga B., Okólski M. (eds.). Dekada członkostwa Polski w UE. Społeczne skutki emigracji Polaków po 2004 roku, KBnM PAN; Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Grabowska-Lusinska I., Jazwinska E. (2013). Znaczenie migracji w życiu zawodowym kobiet i mężczyzn. Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 57(3), 85-108.
Grabowska-Lusinska I., Jazwinska E. (2013). Migracja – epizod czy etap w życiu zawodowym?, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 4, 73-94.
Grabowska-Lusińska I., Jaźwińska E. (2012). Mobilność przestrzenna, społeczna i kariery zawodowe migrantów: cele, problemy i podejścia badawcze na podstawie badań OBM UW, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny,2, 71-103.
Grabowska-Lusinska I. (2012), Migrantow sciezki zawodowe bez granic [Migrants’ boundryless careers], Warsaw: Scholar. [habilitation monograph]
Reviews / recenzje monografii ‘Migrantow sciezki zawodowe bez granic’
Jaźwińska-Motylska Ewa (eds.). 2013. Kariery i mobilność społeczno-zawodowa migrantów poakcesyjnych. [Occupational careers of post-accession migrants.] CMR Working Paper, 65(123).
Institution and source of funding
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Polish Academy of Sciences, POLPAN Seminar, Warsaw, 23rd April 2013.
Paper: The role of migration in occupational life.
Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, 20th Anniversary Seminar, Role of migration in occupational life [Rola migracji w zyciu zawodowym], in Polish
IMISCOE RN 9th Annual Conference, 27-29th October 2012, Amsterdam
Paper: Occupational careers and labour market transitions of young Polish migrants: structure and agency; Workshop 8th: Youth Migrants and (Un)employment: Key Factors For Exploring The Access of Young Migrants to The Labour Market.
IMISCOE 8th Annual Conference, Warsaw, 8-9thOctober 2011
Session: Keeping gender and life course in focus
Paper: Migrants’ occupational careers, gender and life course (with Ewa Jazwinska)